- Startups Innovation and new opportunities.
- Clients The reason we exit and the source of innovation.
- Suppliers Our collaborators in offering new and better products.
- Companies The main players in the developing the sector.
- Distribution The strategic partner.
Hispack Ecosystem
Beyond an event: an Ecosystem
during and after the event.
- Investors To go further and face up to big challenges
- Training / Educational institutions The source of talent and research.
- Associations / Research institutes A reflection of the sector's dynamism.
- Governing Institutions Our allies in boosting the sector.
Our main goal: to be the connectors
Because the synergies we create together are greater than the value we bring individually.
Because we work to highlight the role of packaging as a competitive advantage and to encourage innovation.
Because we bring together and energise those initiatives that are linked to the needs and challenges of the sector.

Liderpack 2023
The awards that bring together the best packaging proposals, driving innovation and constant improvement.

We promote your initiative. Collaborate with the ecosystem to make things happen.
Tell us about your challenge, your solution or your contribution to the industry. Write us at hispackecosystem@firabarcelona.com
“Packaging, a driving force for innovation in industry”
Do you want to know more about the packaging industry in Spain? Download the report for free.
Things happen thanks to them

We want to help you make it happen
7 - 10 MAY 2024